I hope everyone had a lovely holiday, whatever you celebrated. We spent a week with the Florida branch of our little tribe, and then we had some days with the Smoky Mountain branch. We spent some time at Universal Studios. We bought some coin medallions at one of the vendor booths and whiled away some time chatting with the fellows there, including Sir Cumference and Cap'n Blackheart. If you ever go to Islands of Adventure, pay them a visit. They are a HOOT! My niece rode grown-up roller coasters for the very first time, and I was happy to ride them with her on that grand occasion. It's good to have rides like the Hulk to let some good screams out. With the help of Brother David and Milady Robin, I acquired the Lucius Malfoy cane/wand for the mister. He in turn found a lovely Raven statue for my comic book collection at one of the Orlando comic book shops.
We shared Christmas itself with my parents, my younger brother, and my older brother & his family. I made some eggnog bread -- some of my cooking that didn't burn, yay! -- and the mister made some wonderful sweet potato casserole. The Christmas Dinner table groaned with good food made by my mother and other family members. We have so many now that we cannot fit around the kitchen table all at once, so we spilled over into the living room. We had some great laughs with dear people. It was a grand reunion all around.
The Fur Babies were joyous at our return. They are making up for lost Lap Time to be sure. I wasn't aware that I had a two-cat lap, but Ergo (the Magnificent) and Cassie have decided that they can both fit in my lap at once. Last night, they were warming the mister's lap whilst he played round after round of the LEGO Lord of the Rings game. He told me how he thought that LEGO Samwise was the Swiss Army knife of Hobbits; that fellow can do just about anything. That's fine with me; I always thought that Sam was the hero of LOTR anyway. The cats don't care as long as they get Lap Time. So peace reigns at Twin Cedars once more.
Writing continues! My husband is within days of releasing his first novel, "Legacy of Dragons: Emergence". The cover art is nearly done, and I must say it is stunning.
I am heads-down on my third chapter (still) of Twenty Million Leagues Over the Sea, but it is getting close to completion. It was a very long hard chapter to write, as it includes descriptions of parts of the ship that I just didn't have very clear in my head for a long time. I finally came to a good (or at least workable) design for this scene. That made it easier to write. I find that a section is difficult to write either because I don't have a clear idea of the scene in mind OR I'm simply going in a direction that the story doesn't want to go. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out which is the current problem. I finally found out that it was the former. Once I mapped everything out on real paper, I had a way to move forward. Sometimes I have to use a pencil instead of a keyboard to make that kind of progress!
I am still hoping to publish my novel in Spring 2013. Now that the Holidaze Season has passed us, I hope to focus more on the work of actual writing. We'll see how the rest of the Winter goes. I will post updates here as time moves along.
Happy New Year, everyone. Stay safe and Be well.