I did meet a lot of new friends this year (still missing Beast Boy, *sniff*), and I also found a wonderful new blog at one of the podcasting panels. If you love Celtic music, and if you ever listened to the Thistle and Shamrock on public radio, you will love this:
Marc Gunn Celtic Podcasts
Check it out if you have any Celtic Soul in ye!
We saw several bands at the Con with a Celtic sound, including Emerald Rose, who performed there several times. They perform traditional music AND con filking that is rather hilarious. I highly recommend them.
I grew up listening to Andy M. Stewart and Silly Wizard and the Chieftains and Dougie McLean and Clannad... and too many others to name here. I hadn't listened to any of that for a while, and I didn't know how much I missed it until I heard it again. I love fiddles and penny whistles and the sometimes whimsical, sometimes wistful, Scottish and Irish (and Welsh!) music. I am of Irish and Cherokee descent (as well as English and German), so I suppose the music calls to something in my very marrow sometimes. I have always felt comforted by it.
And now for some pictures! Part I, anyway:
We finally found garb for the mister. We purchased it over different booths at the Con. I think he looks rather fine in it:
Someone call the Colonial Marines!
The band Emerald Rose (which I mentioned above)
Top O' the Mornin' to Ye!
A Steampunk "Automaton" -- steam punk was HUGE at the Con this year. We are thinking about indulging in a couple costume in this genre, since it is one we both like:
My OYL Raven did make an appearance on Friday. Yes, that is a different wig than the one I wore for the McKone outfit:
Another OYL Raven pic:
Another McKone Raven of me that I found. Full Disclosure, yes I did photoshop my poochy belly just a wee bit, just to see what I WILL look like in the future:
Black Adam and Isis
Ted Kord Blue Beetle!

I saw a couple of comic Starfires this year, which is new. I've only seen the animated Starfire's before.

The only other comic Raven that I've ever met at a Con. She was more of the Wolfman-Perez version and used a different approach than I did in construction. I thought that the tailored waist was a great idea. I thought she was beautiful, and I do feel a little clumsy when compared to this version. She was very nice and stayed in character.

Replaying a scene from "Hancock", which was a great movie...

One of the coolest costumes EVER... This kid and his dad made this costume out of cardboard and spray paint. It looks great. What made it even better is that he actually transformed! His dad would take his helmet off, he would dive down to the floor in some kind of yogic child's pose, moved the flaps from behind him forward, and he was a tank! He won the Children's Costume contest, and I think the prize was well-deserved. People went nuts when he came on stage.

Steam Punk and Punk Rock
A group of Green Lanterns from NY in the parade...
I thought she was a beautiful Green Lantern. I think she used the same pattern that I used to make the McKone Raven (I just had to alter it from pants to a skirt). She did a great job with the alterations on the pattern.
And a GL Batman and GL Superman! How cool is that! And they waved at me and recognized my Raven costume. SQUEEE!
Not my gumdrop buttons! The Gingerbread Man from Shrek
The guys from ConNooga, which is a convention in my town of Chattanooga. Here we have a variety of characters, including Mork from Ork.
The little guy from the Six Flags commercial. Makes sense, since Six Flags Over Georgia is nearby
Here's one that Frank will like... a SteamPunk Batman!
More later...
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