Anyhoo, we did get to go some of the later events for the first time this year. We attended the masquerade, which was hosted by some of the build team from Mythbusters. Such a hoot, and the costumes were great. We also attended the midnight Cruxshadows concert. They kicked off their last world tour at DC 06 and ended it with DC 07. Great to see. However, even with a late afternoon nap, and despite the entire wonderfulness of Cruxshadow's music, Li'l KT still turned into a pumpkin at 1 AM and fell asleep for a few minutes, just a few rows back from the mosh pit. Now, where is that ability when I have insomnia??????
We met some wonderful people all over the con, usually while we were queueing up for something. We also ran into some old friends. Remember the Beast Boy I ran into last year? We managed to find each other again, in the middle of a convention of nearly 50,000 people! I also got to meet his lovely fiancee and have a nice chat with them. The gentleman who was Nightwing was there as well. I was very happy to see that they remembered me, too. It was great. Mr. BB also dressed up as Jericho later on, but unfortunately I wasn't able to find him then, so I didn't get a picture! (Dag-nabbit! ) He's so good with his costumes that I wanted his opinion on my Speedy outfit, but unfortunately I had to get out of it before he could see it. Spandex, KT, Atlanta, and August just don't mix very well, and I had to change before I collapsed of heat exhaustion. NOTE TO SELF: Choose less modest costumes next time. Speedy was great in January (Chattanooga's January, not Canada's, mind you), but NOT Labor Day weekend! Granted, it was cooler than it had been, but I was also in a crowded space with a lot of 98.6 degree heaters. I sweated through the suede on my boots, it was so hot. The adhesive on my funkyfoam arrow crest gave up the ghost. At one point, I lost it in the dealer's room and had to backtrack to find it (after about 10,000 people had trampled it).
But it was great to see them all again. We'll see if we can find them again next year!
There are panels and concerts and events galore (not to mention shopping!) at Dragon*Con, but for me the very best part is to just find a perch in the Hyatt lobby and watch the costumes go by. Some are so professional that they look like they just stepped off a sound stage. Others are obviously home jobs (like mine) but still look great. Some are very obvious references to movies or books or video games (or even cross-genre items, like the Elvis Stormtrooper). Others just leave me scratching my head, wondering what they were thinking. But even then, it's good to see them having fun with what they have done. The mister managed to take pictures of just about everything, especially in the parade. I've managed to cull out the ones I really like. I might add more later as time permits.
Beast Boy, Part Deux:
Titans Together!
The same fellow also does some great Flash villains. Last year, he did the Trickster. This year, The Top:
My one and only picture of Speedy from this year... It's Speedy doing her Cousin Itt imitation. (I had no idea the mister was taking my picture then! But at least I finally got the gaiters done for the legs!)
Believe me, it takes some guts to walk through the streets of downtown Atlanta dressed like an Oscar Meyer WeinerWagon. I only got whistled at twice this time. It must be the bow. (For a better picture, please see the January 2007 archives.)
Princess Fiona, from Shrek
For you G.I. Joe fans (Yo Joe!)
"You just can't appreciate Elvis's music until you've heard it in the original Klingon" OR "He Thinks He's Elvis!"
Mario! Luigi!
The Diplomatic Contingent for the Predators:
The Batman from the 60's show. This guy looked great.
Someone actually came as the little guy from the Six Flags commercials.
For "FireFly" fans... someone decided to dress up as the ship itself...
The lovely Nichelle Nichols, who played Lt. Uhura in the classic "Star Trek"
Biker Klingons!
The Green Lantern Corps was well-represented.
Another GL with Red Arrow
And it's just not a Con without The Princess Bride
More pictures can be found on my Shutterfly site at: KT's Shutterfly Site
Click on the link above, then click on the "View Pictures" button to view a slideshow of the pictures that the mister took. I will add more pictures as time allows.
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