Sunday, September 10, 2006

Next Year?

I'm already thinking about a costume for next year. I do plan to re-use the Raven costume. I'd just like to have different costumes for different days. I was thinking about going as Speedy (Mia Dearden). I like the simplicity of her outfit, and I've always like archers. Plus, I didn't see any Speedy's at the Con, and I'd like to have a costume that's fairly unique at the con. I've found a website that talks one through making a bodysuit patten. I would definitely need to make my own -- nobody makes a pattern that fits me exactly, no matter what the style of clothing. I have a good pattern for her short cloak that I think will work. This ought to be fun.


Sara said...

Speedy would be very cool. I like her mask, because it covers half her face instead of just her eyes (which really, in reality, wouldn't make a good disguise)
I've never been able to figure out if that arrow on her chest is yellow fabric or a cut-out, since different colorists color it differently all the time.


KTHunter said...

I think it's yellow fabric. Since I'm built more like Ma Hunkel than Power Girl, I'm going to make an executive decision and go with the yellow fabric.

I like Speedy as a character. I have an affinity for non-powered superheroes.