I am back home! I am exhausted, but I had a blast. I even met Beast Boy and Nightwing, two very nice gentlemen, in the Hyatt lobby. They got some pictures of me, and we took pictures of them, for our respective web sites. BB's costume was very well made. After the time it took just to make my cloak, I can appreciate the kind of work that he put into it. I hope I run into him again next year.

There were a wide variety of costumes at the Con this year. There were more superheroes than last year. Most of the ones I saw were X-Men, although I did see several Nightwings and a Batman or two. I saw a well-done Wonder Woman and at least one Hawkman. There were lots of elves and hobbits. Star Wars was well-represented by a veritable army of Jedi and clone troopers.
Here are some more pictures:
A Colonial Warrior from the original Battlestar Galactica series:

And a Cylon:

The Hulk:

And, wouldn't you know it, a plethora of Ghostbusters. They were very popular this year.

A very nicely done Moon Knight:

Shaun of the Dead:

And more Leia's in metal bikinis than you could say grace over: