The shirt is actually 2 layers: one long-sleeved shirt with a zippered neck covered by a sleeveless spandex workout top. I embroidered the raven crest on there. We have yet to see consistent pictures of Raven's costume, so I just created an "idealized" version of the breastplate. I created a paper template and transferred it to the spandex top with tailor's chalk. And that was harder than it sounds! Then I embroidered it with a simple backstitch in a metallic thread. Again, spandex and metallic thread are very difficult to work together!

Here's a back view.

And a front view (ignore my hair, it was being naughty).

And a view of the hood, the beak is folded under because it, too, was being naughty.

*sniffle* My grandparent's computer is so crappy, the pictures aren't clear, so I can't see the awesome detail you did with the raven emblem on the front.
BUT! What I can see looks awesome. Well worth the effort.
Thank you very much! I was hoping you would like it. I'll see if I can get a bigger picture of the emblem and post it so you can see it.
It's actually a comfortable costume. The cloak is very heavy, though, and the hood is somewhat claustrophobic. I will probably wear it down most of the time.
Ah! Horray, you've got a close up (thanks for the DeviNote, by the way)
It is very cool. Again, the whole thing is just awesome.
Thanks! I'm glad you like it & glad you got the DeviNote. I am soooo looking forward to next week.
I feel the same way about next week. Thank god Wizard is posting a picture of a different member of Titans East this week online; it makes the wait for Wednesday easier.
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